17 September 2019         conference        

In the context of the traveling exhibitions of the Tuscan Architecture Award, we are happy to have been invited to OCRA Montalcino to talk about our project “Olive Grove Cabin“, awarded in the recent edition.



The most beautiful thing about the Tuscany Architecture Award is its belongings to the whole territory. The architecture of the territory is often hidden away, it does not easily show itself as in urban architecture.
The architecture of the territory exists, as a public fact, only through publications or awards such PAT.

Architecture in the territory can be reached with difficulty, you have to study the maps, make twisted roads to find it.
Once there, however, it rewards you, involving all the senses.

The territory opens up unprecedented freedom, permits licenses not allowed in typical construction supply chain.
We will therefore talk about freedom.


Save the date: Friday, September 20th 2019 at 5:30 pm, at OCRA Montalcino.
With us there will be the architects, awarded in other categories, Edoardo Milesi of Archos and Saverio Pisaniello of Microscape.

Download the PDF invitation


OCRA – Officina Creativa dell’Abitare

Via Boldrini 4, Complesso di Sant’Agostino – Montalcino (Siena)

+39 0577 847 065









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