With a link to the website of the legendary bicycle frame builder Aldo Mandato Alman Cicli, who for the first time has tried his hand in building a home staircase… we return for the fourth time to be publish by “100 Idee per Ristrutturare” This time with our project “La Bolognese [...]
When the future of the workplace appears in evolution, the “WORK SPACE” insert of the CONTRACT BOOK becomes more precious than ever. Unità di Produzione, our headquarters and coworking where we host other professional realities, perhaps appears a bit austere in the midst of ten yea [...]
“Like a dressmaker” With this image of an ancient job that we feel very much close to hypnos mood, we’re back for the third time on “100 idee per ristrutturare“. This time with the “Magic Wall” project, the renovation of a mini flat in Milan.
Hypnos reappears after one year on the pages of the magazine “100 Idee per Ristrutturare“. The occasion is an article on hideaway kitchens in which the Sliding Walls Apartment has been inserted.
Die Hängenden Gärten von Mailand! Our project Sovraparco, developed together with LAD, attracts attention also beyond the italian context. 100 Hauser editions, for the release of the brand new volume “100 GREEN SPACES” have strongly wanted to publish our project, despite the edition is dedicat [...]
The last issue of DFUN, a Taiwanese design magazine, hosts the presentation of braIN TAIWAN and the four designers who produced the pieces exhibited in Università Statale. Below, an excerpt of the pages dedicated to us. At this link the PDF extract of the whole section concerning braIN TAIWAN. [...]
The urban theory essay accompanying the project “the Overpark. A suspended garden for Piazzale Loreto” has been published in the latest issue of Urbanistica Dossier, Casa Editrice INU edizioni. Following the organization by the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture of t [...]
Our “Magic Box” project was chosen to be part of a special issue created to celebrate the fiftieth output of “100 idee per ristutturare”. You will find it all the summer all along Italy thanks to 100,000 copies printed.
Could Unità di Produzione don’t be published on the journal of Fondazione Promozione Acciaio? We thank the official Italian organ of manufacturers and builders of steel structures for this publication. Download the entire magazine in PDF format (28 MB) [...]
The new issue of Imprese Edili, hosts our last intervention in Tuscany. An architecture project in which once again HYPNOS fought on the brightest fronts of Italian architecture. This time the theme was really arduous: building abuse. In addition to the detailed description of the construction [...]
Casa Naturale, a well-known italian magazine dedicated to sustainable architecture, has chosen to inaugurate with HYPNOS a new section called “bio architetto”. Main feature of the article is our recent project regarding a transformation of a small abusive lodge into a depandance pe [...]
Cose di Casa, the most widespread italian specialist magazine for interior architecture and furnishings, wanted our Magic Box as the “Project of May”. The article speaks directly to clients who need to renovate their apartment and reports the costs of the Magic Box, made directly by HypnosR [...]
The renovation of an apartment in Milan has attracted the attention of the editorial team of Domus who published the project in the on-line version of the magazine.
The renovation project of a villa in Sammommè (Pistoia) earns another front cover, this time we’re host by “Imprese Edili”. For the first time we show some pictures of the construction site, including the mounting of the laminated wood loggia by Vibro-Bloc. Click here to visit the on-lin [...]
To our great satisfaction, the renovation project of a villa in Tuscany has earned the cover of the magazine “Casa Naturale” issue of July / August 2016. Great article by Lorenzo Montanaro and Paola Addis.
The January 2016 issue of Elle Decor China (Elle Decoration), has a wonderful feature story about our project “Unità di Produzione“. The interview start addressing the details of the architectural renovation then investigates the integration of coworking and hospitality offered by [...]